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Ofer spre inchiriere peridoc
300 EUR

Alte informatii
Air Cooled Spindle DIY CNC Spindle Kit

Air cooled spindle is widely used on basic cnc router and nesting cnc router machines. Air cooled means the spindle motor is cooled by air via an electric fan which is mounted on top end of the spindle. Unlike water cooled spindle, the air spindle no needs connect to a water cycle. Also due to this point, the air cooled spindle is better for cutting and milling than engraving jobs.
Normally the air cooled spindle kit is requested from these two purpose:
1) diy a cnc router
2) maintenance for a cnc router

Air cooled spindle brand we provide:
Changsheng(CS), HQD and all the other Chinese brands

Available Power:
3.5kw, 4.5kw, 6.0kw, 7kw

Features of Air Cooled Spindle
1. The air cooled spindle body is made of high quality aluminum material. It is smooth, clean and does not rust. Double tests are carried out before delivery.
2. The rotary precision is high, and the precise steel ball holder is adopted, this guarantees the turning accuracy of the spindle motor in high speed grinding.
3. Fan cooling is more convenient. As the water cooling spindle motor needs to connect the water pump, so you need a tank to fill the water, you also need to connect the water pipe, especially it is easy to get freeze in cold place, and some customers may find it troublesome. While air-cooled spindle motor will not have such troubles.
Utilizator eaglecnctec (7 anunturi)
Telefon +8653182956850
Locatie Strainatate
Vizualizari: 2633
Anunturile utilizatorului (7)
Data anunt 16-12-2017
Capacitate Air Cooled kg
Stare peridoc foarte buna
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