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Vand barca Monterey 250 CR + motor 240 CP
53250 EUR

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Monterey 250CR Diesel, with Bow Thruster and UK Trailer

This Monterey 250 CR has to be one of the best equipped examples on the market today. With a 240HP Yanmar Diesel engine, Twin Axle UK spec trailer, Lewmar bow thruster, Flexiteek swim platform, brand new teak effect carpets, and like new camper canvas covers, not to mention a Garmin GPS, remote search light and trim tabs, this boat has a spec level that is second to none.

Watch the video tour to find out more…

These boats tend to be really popular because they offer the perfect entry point into the cruising lifestyle… it’s big enough to comfortably spend a long weekend on and small enough to tow behind your 4×4 to new cruising grounds or on a holiday to Europe, if the notion takes you. You can also store the boat at home (on it’s trailer) during the winter and keep your running costs down.

This particular Monterey 250 CR is in really excellent condition throughout and has been very well cared for by her previous owners. Check out the full length video to see what I mean.

Sign up for VIP access at to watch the full length video and familiarise yourself with all the little details of this boat that set it apart from the competition, and demonstrate the value on offer here.


-2005 Monterey 250CR with Yanmar 240HP Bravo II Diesel Sterndrive
-Less than 230hrs on the clock
-Lewmar Bow Thruster – installed Jan. 2014
-Extended Swim Platform laid in Flexiteek – installed March 2015
-Teak effect cockpit carpets – fitted March 2015
-Full camper canvas covers – new in 2013 and re-waterproofed this season
-5-position tilt steering wheel
-Garmin GPSMap 172c Chartplotter
-Remote control search light
-Trim tabs
-Full set of marine instrumentation with digital depth gauge
-Pump out toilet and macerator
-Forward deck sunpad
-Cockpit wetbar
-Stereo/CD Player
-Shore Power
-Transom Shower (hot & cold)
-Last serviced and impeller replaced April 2015
-CE category C rated
-VAT Paid
-Twin Axle UK Spec SBS Road Trailer included
Sign up for VIP access at and watch our full length video tour for all the details
For more information or to arrange a viewing please contact us on 028 7136 8779 or e-mail
Utilizator gulfstream (93 anunturi)
Telefon 00442871368779
Locatie Strainatate
Vizualizari: 3547
Anunturile utilizatorului (93)
Barca cu motor
Data anunt 20-06-2015
Categorie Salupa
Producator Monterey
Model 250 CR
Lungime 7.62 m
Latime 2.59 m
Pescaj 0.91 m
Greutate 2767 kg
Capacitate -
An fabricatie 2005
Stare ambarcatiune foarte buna
Model Yanmar 4LHA-STZP Bravo II
Combustibil benzina
Numar de motoare 1
Tip motor inboard
Putere 240 CP
Capacitate rezervor 340 L
Timpi -
Ore de functionare 229
Stare motor foarte buna
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